Gulet for Sale – How to Buy a Gulet in Turkey
Buying a gulet should be a positive experience, where you end up with a vessel that exactly fits your wishes and expectations. You can Buy a Gulet in 2 different ways (both are okay) and this post explains both ideas in detail.
Buying a gulet - concept no. 1
Tailor-made search
This means you have your ”bucket list” of wishes of what you would like to buy and you communicate these wishes to an expert. An expert then sweeps the entire market of gulets for sale and presents you with the best options in the market.
We created a unique 5 steps process that works. And we follow it every time.
Exact description of steps:

Step no.1 – Bucket List Determination
We are really good at extracting all the wishes of the buyer. We are scientific in this approach and try to determine important things for the buyer, that even the buyer was not sure they were important.
All you need to do is send us an email to info@goolets.net with a ”base idea” of your expectations and a phone number. We will call you (we do not deal with any brokerage inquiries, where we do not have a phone number, to talk with a person) to determine if we are a good fit to work together and create a ”bucket list” of your wishes.

Step no.2 – Personification & Gulet Examples
When we understand your wishes, we will send you a couple of examples (not exact deals yet), to see the ”direction” you would like to go in.
This helps us get a more clear idea of your budget range and expectations and we also determine if your wishes are realistic according to what we can find – or not. When we understand your wishes 100% and we are on the same page, we go to step no.3.

Step no.3 – Market Research
We check the gulets, prices, hot deals, our entire database, and get back to you with options. An online inquiry or a personal visit to Turkey to inspect the deals is a whole different thing. To be honest, these offers are meant to bring you to Turkey personally.
When the dates for your arrival are set we recommend a minimum of 3 days for inspections of gulets that are for sale.
In the time from the email we send you to the date of your arrival, things can change. Gulets can be sold and new offers will start flowing in. However, it never happened that you would inspect ”more expensive” deals than the ones you got via email. If you are arriving in Turkey this sends a message that you are serious and it makes gulet owners that want to sell their gulets more motivated and flexible with the price.

Step no.4 – In-person Inspections & Negotiations
When we have the dates of your arrival set, we agree on inspections and show you all the best options that are available for sale. The goal is to have minimum 2 and maximum 3 ”winners”, which gives us room for negotiations.

Step no.5 – Finalisation
The last step is probably the most important one. When you decide you wish to buy a gulet, then it is time for contracts, professional surveys, payments, safety, and making sure it all runs smoothly. Most problems in the process happen in this process so it is extremely important your gulet brokerage company knows what is doing.
Buying a gulet - concept no.2
List of hot gulets
This concept is good for 2 reasons:
IF YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WISH TO BUY: if you are ready to buy a gulet fast and are looking for the best value for money gulets. When you do not have a huge ”bucket list” of wishes this is a great option. You check the list of gulets that are HOT at this moment, see what you like, and react fast.
IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO BUY: it can give you a good idea of what type of gulets are available for what type of budgets and can help you in direction of what to pursue.
The owner is keen on selling now, fast, and at a good price.
This list is updated weekly or monthly and every time we update the list, we send you an update via email.
To get the latest list of hottest gulets for sale, fill out the form below and we will send you the list manually.
Why do we not publish this list online?
This list of best gulets for brokerage takes a lot of work and a lot of these deals are ”secret”, where the gulet owner does not wish to publish them online. If the word comes out that the gulet is urgently for sale, it could be bad for charter business and the general reputation of the owner.
That is why also a lot of times (most of the time), best deals are not presented with the gulet name (also to prevent the clients from ”price shopping”) and taking the same gulet to different brokers.
Do not worry. When you inspect the gulet in person you get the full disclosure of info, meet the yacht owner if possible and get everything you need to make a decision.
And to get this list of hot gulets contact us.